Infrastructure | Public and communities | Social | UK
Survey of UK adults finds that housing affordability issues are set to intensify due to Covid-19
- One in five (21 per cent) are worried that they will not being able to afford their rent or mortgage in the future
- One in five (19 per cent) say that they have been unable to save most weeks since the UK entered lockdown. This rises to a quarter of those living in rented accommodation (25 per cent)
- 13 per cent say they have had to cut back spending on essentials in order to pay the rent or mortgage, and 10 per cent said they had run out of money a week or more before the end of the month
- The average UK adult believes that the maximum that is reasonable to spend on housing costs is 32 per cent, while what they think they could afford is 35 per cent
Date Published: 30/06/2020
Categories: Infrastructure | Public and communities | Social | UK
Client: IPPR
Savanta ComRes interviewed 2120 UK adults between 19th and 22nd June 2020. Data were weighted to be representative of UK adults.
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