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Chief Rabbi’s ShabbatUK – Family Meals Survey

A survey of British adults on family meals

  • Approximately half (52%) of respondents said they sit down every day with either family or people they consider to be like family
  • Nearly three in five people (59%) agree that they wish they could spend more time with family and loved ones without being interrupted by technology
  • More than half (56%) of women said they sit down for a meal daily compared with men (48%). Those aged 55 and over were the largest age group to say they sit down for a meal with company daily (60%) compared with (48%) of 35-54 year olds and (45%) 18-34 year olds

Date Published: 26/10/2017

Categories: Faith | Public and communities

Client: Chief Rabbi’s ShabbatUK


ComRes interviewed 2037 British adults online between 11th and 13th August 2017. Data were weighted by age, gender, region and socio-economic grade to be representative of all GB adults aged 18+

  1. Chief-Rabbi’s-ShabbatUK_Family-Meals_-August-2017 -0 KB.

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