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Home for Good – Supported Lodgings

Polling amongst UK adults on behalf of Home for Good

  • 16% of the sample go to church at least weekly, interestingly driven by the younger age groups (18-24 – 25% / 25-34 – 27%)
  • People agree that hospitality is about welcoming close friends and family into their homes (72%) but this drops significantly to 45% when its with strangers. Amongst those that attend Church at least once a year, weekly and fortnightly church goers are more likely to accept strangers than those that only go annually, but there is no significant difference between Christian vs Non-Christian
  • Non-Christians (50%) are more likely to consider themselves educated on the challenges teenagers face than Christians (33%)
  • 27% of people would consider fostering a teenager, significantly higher in London (37%) and among non-Christians (46%) compare to Christians (27%)
  • The key reasons people wouldn’t consider fostering a teenager are “not feeling able to take on the responsibility” (60% favourite) – much higher than all other areas
  • 70% of people have never heard of supported lodgings with 25% of people saying they would consider becoming a host – this is driven by younger audiences and higher social grades (30% compared to 20%)

Date Published: 02/11/2021

Categories: Faith | Public and communities | UK

Client: Home for Good


Savanta ComRes interviewed 2,093 UK adults online from 24-26 September 2021. Data were weighted by age, sex, region and social grade. Savanta ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. Homes-for-Good-polling-Nov-2021 -0 KB.

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