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Church Leaders Panel 2020

Church leaders’ mental health takes a knock during lockdown

  • The number of church leaders who said they had poor mental health doubled during 2020, jumping from 7% to 15%.
  • Overall, high numbers report good mental health, at 93% during the previous two years which went down to 85% from March 2020.
  • Two thirds (65%) of church leaders engage with social issues such as older people and poverty in the UK via their church.

Date Published: 31/01/2021

Categories: Faith

Client: Savanta ComRes


Savanta ComRes surveyed 201 church leaders online, using our Church Leaders Panel, between 3rd September – 5th November 2020. Savanta ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

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  2. Church_Leaders_Panel_Savanta_Tables_20201201_Private -0 KB.