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Encouraging participation in sport

Will Enever Associate Director 23/08/2021

In recent years sporting bodies and NGBs have had to evolve, tasked with attracting and capturing a new generation of audiences and engage them in sports participation.

They have become more progressive and commercial in their outlook, all under the remit of complex funding structures. Organisations have also had to justify insight on sporting behaviours and attitudes to maximise ROI. Team GB achieved 65 medals in the recent Tokyo Olympics, equaling their London 2012 total, which after the past 18 months is a pretty remarkable medal haul.

The success of campaigns like This Girl Can, have epitomised our changing attitudes toward a fitter and healthier society. Recent Sport England figures reflect this. 27.9m people are regularly active, achieving 150+ minutes of activity a week (November 2020). Activity levels were increasing in 2019, before measures to counter the Coronavirus pandemic were introduced in March 2020.

With massive investment in encouraging sports participation, research now plays a key role in understanding how to make a difference.

Download our guide devised to help organisations to:

  • Create a first-rate experience
  • Drive participation
  • Target audiences
  • Develop communications that connect to create a sports brand
  • Link sponsorship and events to increased participation

For more information on our work with sporting bodies, NGB’s and other organisations involved in delivering sport please get in touch.

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