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ITV News Debate Snap Poll

Snap poll taken immediately following the ITV News seven-way leaders debate on 2nd April 2015.

Cameron, Farage, Miliband tie debate, Bennett loses – ITV News / ComRes poll

The ITV News / ComRes poll of 1,120 people watching the debate puts Cameron, Miliband, Farage, Sturgeon tied as the winner and Bennett as the loser, after the half-time poll showed Nigel Farage as performing best and also tied worst with Natalie Bennett.

Leader Performed BEST Performed WORST
David Cameron, Conservative 21% 15%
Nick Clegg, Liberal Democrat 9% 6%
Ed Miliband, Labour 21% 14%
Nigel Farage, UKIP 21% 20%
Leanne Wood, Plaid Cymru 2% 16%
Natalie Bennett, Greens 5% 25%
Nicola Sturgeon, SNP 20% 4%


Date Published: 2nd April 2015

Categories: GE2015 | Media | Politics | Public and communities | UK

Client: ITV News


ComRes pre-recruited a sample of British adults who said they were likely to watch the debate. ComRes interviewed 1,120 British adults who watched the debate, none of whom was included in the half-time poll. Data are weighted to be demographically representative of those who were certain to watch. The survey took place immediately after the debate. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.


ITV Leaders Debate Half Time Poll

  1. ITV-News-Leaders-Debate-Snap-Poll_Table -0 KB.

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