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Home for Good adoption poll

British attitudes and barriers towards adoption

  • BAME adults are twice as likely to have considered, or be considering, adoption when compared to white adults (21% vs 10%)
  • 50% of white adults say they would not consider or explore adoption but only 27% of BAME adults would rule adoption out. This falls even further to just 20% of Black adults who would not consider or explore adoption
  • BAME adults are 5x more likely than white adults to report uncertainty about adoption because their friends/family/community would not approve (5% vs 1%)
  • Black adults are twice as likely to be concerned about the financial concerns of adoption when compared to white adults (26% vs 12%)
  • BAME adults are significantly more likely than white adults to be unsure about adoption because of the lack of a spare room (13% vs 9%)

Date Published: 14/10/2019

Categories: Faith | GB | Public and communities | Social

Client: Home for Good


ComRes interviewed 8,108 adults living in Great Britain online between the 30th September and 8th October 2019. Data were weighted to be representative of all British adults by age, gender, region and social grade. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. ComRes_HomeforGood_Adoption_Tables_October2019-v2 -0 KB.

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