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Daily Mail September Political Poll

Political poll for Daily Mail on Jeremy Corbyn, preferred Prime Minister and trust on key issues


A new ComRes poll for the Daily Mail shows that David Cameron is the public’s choice as Prime Minister over Jeremy Corbyn by a margin of almost two to one (54% preferring Mr Cameron compared to 30% preferring Mr Corbyn). These figures are in line with Mr Cameron’s ratings against Ed Miliband. Just before the last General Election, Cameron led Miliband on who would make the best Prime Minister 52% to 31%. However, among likely voters only, Mr Cameron’s lead is even larger: 61% think he would make the better Prime Minister, compared to 30% who prefer Mr Corbyn.

When it comes to which of the two main parties are trusted more on the economy, the Conservatives have an 19 point lead over Labour (48% to 29%). The Conservatives are also more trusted on defence (46% to 27%). However, on health – a traditional Labour strength – Labour is more trusted by 43%, compared to 30% who trust the Conservatives more. Labour is also more trusted on welfare benefits (42% to 33%).

One in three Britons (31%) say that Corbyn is a danger to Britons security, although many more (49%) say that he is not.

When it comes to voting intention, although Labour have moved up off the five year low seen last month, the party, on 30%, remains nine points being the Conservatives (39%).

Tom Mludzinski, Director of Political Polling said: “As Labour conference draws to a close this poll leaves much to the eye of the beholder. Mr Corbyn’s ratings and those of his party are in a similar position to where they were under Ed Miliband at the General Election. While little forward movement has been made, these figures don’t suggest a significant step backwards. Importantly though, Mr Corbyn’s image is worse among likely voters – the key group – than the public as a whole.”


Full results:

Q. For the following pairs of statements, which comes closest to your own view?

 Option 1 % Option 2 % Don’t know
David Cameron would make a better Prime Minister than Jeremy Corbyn 54% Jeremy Corbyn would make a better Prime Minister than David Cameron 30% 16%
Jeremy Corbyn is a danger to Britain’s security 31% Jeremy Corbyn is not a danger to Britain’s security 49% 19%

Base: GB adults (n=1,009).

  • Britons overwhelmingly think David Cameron would make a better Prime Minister than Jeremy Corbyn. More than half of Britons (54%) say that the Conservative leader would make the better Prime Minister, compared to 30% who say Corbyn would.
  • These figures are line with Cameron’s ratings against Ed Miliband. Just before the last General Election, Cameron led Miliband on who would make the best Prime Minister 52% to 31%.
  • When looking at likely voters only, Cameron’s lead is even larger: 61% think he would make the better Prime Minister, compared to 30% who say Corbyn.
  • Two thirds (66%) of Labour supporters say that Jeremy Corbyn would make the better Prime Minster, although a quarter (26%) say Cameron would.
  • Around one in three Britons (31%) say that Jeremy Corbyn is a danger to the nation’s security, but half (49%) say that he is not.

Q. For each of the following areas, please tell me whether you trust the Conservative Party more or the Labour Party?

Conservative Party Labour Party Neither Don’t know
The economy 48% 29% 20% 3%
Defence 46% 27% 23% 4%
Welfare benefits 33% 42% 20% 5%
Health 30% 43% 23% 4%

Base: GB adults (n=1,009).

  • The Conservative Party is more trusted than the Labour Party on the economy (48% to 29%) and have a 19-point lead on defence (46% to 27%).
  • One in five Labour supporters say that they trust the Conservative Party more on the economy (19%), while a similar proportion say the same about defence (21%).
  • Labour however is more trusted on welfare benefits – 42% trust the party more on this issue, compared to 33% who trust the Conservatives more.
  • Labour also has a 13 point lead on health (43% to 30%).

Voting intention

The Conservatives retain a large lead in voting intention, nine points ahead of Labour on 39%. Labour move off the five year low seen last month, but, on 30%, remain significantly behind their Conservative rivals. UKIP are up to 12%, the Liberal Democrats on 9% and the Greens have fallen to 4%.

Con      39% (-3)

Lab       30% (+2)

LD        9% (+1)

UKIP     12% (+3)

Green   4% (-2)

SNP      4% (-1)

Other   3% (NC)


Totals may not sum to 100% due to rounding.





Date Published: 29th September 2015

Categories: Economy | GB | Politics | Public and communities | Voting Intention

Client: Daily Mail


ComRes interviewed 1,009 GB adults by telephone between 25th and 28th September 2015. Data were weighted to be demographically representative of all GB adults. Data were also weighted by past vote recall. Voting intention figures are calculated using the ComRes Voter Turnout Model. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. Daily-Mail_Political-Poll_September-2015_Tables1 -0 KB.


David Cameron is the public’s choice as Prime Minister over Jeremy Corbyn by a margin of almost two to one.

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