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R3 – Personal Debt Snapshot, Wave 26

A survey of British adults on behalf of R3 on the state of their personal finances

  • Approaching two in five British adults say they are worried about their current level of debt (37%)
  • More than half of British adults who are worried about their current level of debt say they are worried about credit card debt (54%)
  • One in five British adults (21%) say that they do not have any savings at all at the moment
  • Two in five (40%) British adults say they often / sometimes struggle to make it to payday
  • Half of British adults (48%) say that they would be most likely to use personal savings if they were to experience an unexpected gap in their personal finances

Date Published: 18/02/2020

Categories: Economy | Finance | GB | Personal Finance | Public and communities

Client: R3


Savanta ComRes interviewed 2,091 British adults online between the 6th and 7th of January 2020. Data were weighted to be representative of GB adults by age, gender, region and socio-economic grade. Savanta ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. R3_PDS-Jan-2020-Wave-26_Data-Tables-v2 -0 KB.

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