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CNN Anti-Semitism in Europe Poll 2018

A survey of adults across 7 European countries testing anti-Semitic attitudes

  • Over a third of adults (36%) say they are not favourable towards Muslims in their country, compared with one in ten (10%) who say they are unfavourable towards Jews
  • Three in ten (28%) adults say Jewish people have too much influence in finance and business across the world, compared with other people
  • One in five (20%) adults say Jewish people have too much influence in media across the world compared to other people
  • More than two in five (44%) agree anti-Semitism is a growing problem in their country today
  • Two in five (40%) adults agree Jewish people are at risk of racist violence in their country
  • Over half (54%) of adults agree Israel has a right to exist as a Jewish state
  • One third (32%) of adults agree criticism of Israel tends to be motivated by anti-Semitism
  • Three in ten (31%) adults agree Jewish people use the Holocaust to advance their position or to achieve certain goals
  • Over half (56%) of adults say they are not aware of ever having socialised with a Jewish person

Date Published: 27/11/2018

Categories: Europe | Faith | Politics | Public and communities | Social

Client: CNN


ComRes surveyed 7,092 adults online in seven countries between 7th September – 20th September (Great Britain, 1010; France, 1006; Germany, 1012; Poland, 1020; Hungary, 1019; Sweden 1018; Austria, 1007). Data were weighted to be representative of each country based on age, gender and region. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. CNN-Anti-Semitisim-in-Europe-Poll-Tables -0 KB.
  2. CNN-Sweden-Tables -0 KB.

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