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Association of Convenience Stores Local Services Survey

Survey of the British public on behalf of the ACS on the subject of attitudes to local services.

  • Overall public satisfaction with the provision of services in their local area is quite high.
  • Convenience stores are commonly among the services seen by the public as having the most positive impact on local areas.
  • Performance ratings for public services however tend to be markedly lower, especially for councils’ youth projects and education, planning,  parking and transport policies.

Date Published: 11/09/2015

Categories: Business | Consumer | GB | Public and communities | Retail & Consumer

Client: ACS


ComRes interviewed 2067 GB adults online between 22nd and 25th May 2015. Data were weighted to be representative of all GB adults aged 18+. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. ACS-Community-Barometer_Consumer-Data-Tables_Final_May-2015_FOR-UPLOAD -0 KB.

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