Survey of MPs and Peers on behalf of the LGA on local government funding and powers.
A recent ComRes poll commissioned by the LGA found that the vast majority of parliamentarians (MPs 86 per cent and Peers 89 per cent) agree that councils should have more financial powers and freedoms. The majority of parliamentarians (MPs 84 per cent and Peers 81 per cent) also agree that additional funding should go to councils’ social care budgets to tackle the funding crisis.
Date Published: 02/03/2018
Categories: Opinion Formers | Policy Makers | Politics | Public Sector | UK
Client: LGA
ComRes interviewed 155 MPs between 14 November and 11 December 2017 and 103 Peers between 23 October and 21 November 2017 online and by paper self-completion questionnaire. Data have been weighted by party and region to be representative of the House of Commons, and by party to be representative of the House of Lords. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules. Further information available at: