The experience of employees: now vs. then
As a shift erupted last year amongst Americans in the workforce, employees and employers alike took action to implement and transform the workplace in reaction to the BLM movement and the residual systemic problems that BIPOC consumers face at work.
In 2021, employed Americans (57%) agree that #BLM is creating an improvement in the workplace, significantly higher than what we see from employees now (37%).
But are the effects of the BLM movement long-lasting when it comes to the workplace? Or has it dwindled over time, with employer concern lying elsewhere?
A comparison of data from 2021 shows a dramatic shift of sentiment surrounding initiatives being done around diversity and inclusion in the workplace. In 2021, employed Americans (57%) agree that #BLM is creating an improvement in the workplace, significantly higher than what we see from employees now (37%).
A similar difference arises when it comes to employee trust in their employer compared to last year, with employees (49%) agreeing that they trust their employer to make meaningful change, as opposed to the last wave which shows much more employee trust (57%).
The question remains: Are companies doing enough to prove that diversity and inclusion is something that will be maintained and dealt with? The short answer is no.
Although a shift in perception started with many companies focusing on Diversity and Inclusion as a critical part of their outreach and strategy, employees have not felt the effects of its implementation.
To learn more about perceptions of racial inequality across the US, click here to download the 2022 BLM report: Re-energizing the conversation.
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