Our specialist and dedicated youth researchers reflect on the data from our Gen Z insight tracker – State of the Youth Nation – and reveal how to align your purpose with Gen Z’s values. Did you know… 73% of 16-24s are willing to pay more for a sustainable product? 🤔Download the eBook to find out what this means for businesses.
Read now: Simply complete the form below to access the full eBook for free…
More from this series: Gen Z brand love
This new eBook is the second volume in our Gen Z Brand Love series that reveals how companies must adapt to future-proof their brand for the needs of Gen Z. Click the link below to access the new eBook.
If you missed vol.1 in the series, catch up now – Unlikely Couplings: Brand Collaborations Gen Z Love. And keep an eye out for our next instalment.
Keep plugged into youth trends
Interested in getting more regular Gen Z updates? Have you thought about subscribing to State of the Youth Nation (the essential Gen Z insight tracking product)?
Find out what you need to know about Gen Z without commissioning additional research. We’ve been tracking 16-24s since 2015, with 700+ questions that uncover what young people care about, where they’re headed and their digital worlds.
Membership gives you access to:
- Latest Gen Z insights
- Regular webinars
- Insight workshops.
See what data we have that will change your business…