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Women & Equalities Committee – Creating a Gender Sensitive Parliament – October 2019

A survey of MPs on the behalf of the Women and Equalities Committee in relation to creating a gender sensitive Parliament

  • One in four MPs (25%) believe that the Speaker is most responsible for ensuring that House of Commons procedures and facilities support women MPs and MPs with caring responsibilities.
  • One in four MPs (25%) believe that an ‘other’ body, beyond the Parliamentary bodies listed, is most responsible for ensuring that violence and abuse against women in politics, including online, is effectively tackled.
  • Over two in five MPs (43%) believe that the Speaker should be the most responsible for ensuring there is an inclusive culture in the House of Commons.
  • Overall, just over one in two MPs (51%) express confidence that appropriate actions are being taken to ensure that the culture in the House of Commons is inclusive.
  • Overall, whilst three in ten MPs (28%) express confidence that the appropriate actions are being undertaken to ensure that violence and abuse against women in politics, including online, is effectively tackled, approaching two in three MPs (65%) say they are unconfident.
  • Two in three female MPs (65%) say that progress has an impact on their willingness to stand for re-election.

Date Published: 30/10/2019

Categories: GB | Policy Makers | Politics | Public Sector | Social | UK

Client: Women and Equalities Committee


Methodology: Savanta ComRes interviewed 147 MPs online and via self-completion paper survey between 2 September –
17 October 2019. Data were weighted to be demographically representative of the House of Commons by party
and region. Savanta ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules. Full tables at

  1. ComRes_WEC_MPs-Tables_Oct19 -0 KB.

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