A public opinion poll on behalf of the Victoria Derbyshire show.
Date Published: 21 Feb 2012
Categories: Health | Public and communities | Public Sector | Social | UK
1. Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?
Agree (%) Disagree (%) Don’t know (%)
I understand the Government’s planned reforms of the NHS 38 58 4
I think that the Government has done enough to inform people about the planned reforms of the NHS
17 80 3
I think Andrew Lansley is doing a good job as Health Secretary 18 62 20
I trust the Government to get it right on the NHS 26 69 5
• While almost two fifths (38%) of people in England say that they understand the Government’s planned reforms of the NHS, just one in six (17%) agree that the Government has done enough to inform people about the planned reforms.
• Ominously for the Government, just a quarter of people (26%) trust the Government to get it right on the NHS, while less than one in five (18%) agree that they think that Andrew Lansley is doing a good job as Health Secretary.
• Even among people who say that the political party that they most trust with the NHS is the Conservative Party, they are as likely to think that Andrew Lansley isn’t doing a good job as Health Secretary (40%), as think that he is (39%).
2. Which political party do you trust most with the NHS?
Labour Party 37
Conservative Party 19
Liberal Democrats 8
Other 4
None of them 32
• English people (37%) are most likely to say that they trust the Labour Party most with the NHS, followed by the Conservative Party (19%) and the Liberal Democrats (8%). Strikingly, a third of people say they trust ‘none of them’.
• Labour are most trusted with the NHS across every demographic – age, gender, social class and region.
• Men (41%) are more likely than women (32%) to say that they trust Labour most with the NHS, while women are actually most likely to say that they trust ‘none of them’ (38%).
• 15% of people in the South West trust the Liberal Democrats most with the NHS, compared with just 5% in London. This may well reflect the fact that the South West is seen as a traditional stronghold of Liberal Democrat support.
Methodology Note: ComRes conducted a CATI survey of 1,005 English adults between the 17th and 19th February 2012. Data were weighted to be demographically representative of all English adults. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abide by its rules.