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Sport England: Survey into adult physical activity attitudes and behaviour (Wave 19)

The survey tracks how the Covid-19 outbreak affects the English population’s attitudes and behaviours towards physical activity.

The survey asks the public about their exercise habits before and after the Covid-19 restrictions, focusing on the type of physical activity they currently do and how frequently. It looks at how attitudes have changed as a result of the outbreak, with the majority of respondents showing a shift in attitudes towards physical activity in the current circumstances. It also asks parents how their children have changed their exercise habits since the Covid-19 restrictions.

Date Published: 10/08/2021

Categories: Health | Public and communities | Sport

Client: Sport England


Savanta ComRes interviewed 2016 English adults (16+ online) between 23rd-26th July 2021. Data were weighted to be demographically representative of English adults by gender, age, region, social grade, and the estimated households with children under 16. Savanta ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

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