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ukactive Parents Survey

Survey of parents about children and physical activity.

  • Almost half of parents (45%) disagree that there are enough affordable opportunities for children to be active in their local area during school holidays;
  • Three quarters of parents (76%) agree that technology such as tablets and smartphones makes it more difficult for families to be physically active together;
  • Around half of parents (54%) agree that parents are provided with enough information by the UK government on the health risks to children and teenagers of excessive sedentary time.

Date Published: 24/03/2016

Categories: GB | Health | Public and communities | Third Sector

Client: ukactive


ComRes interviewed 1,039 British parents online between 2nd and 6th March 2016. Overall data, from which this subgroup is drawn, were weighted to be representative of all adults in Great Britain aged 18+.

  1. UK-Active_Parents-Polling-Data-Tables -0 KB.

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