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RIBA Age Friendly Housing Survey

Survey of 55+ year olds about their housing situation and preferences

  • A quarter of 55+ year olds are currently seriously or somewhat seriously considering moving home.
  • Gardens, home design and amount of space come top as home features for 55+ year olds who have recently considering moving.
  • Renters are considerably more likely than homeowners to rate their housing options as inadequate or very limited. This perhaps reflects the very different buying and rental markets, as well as the divergent socioeconomic situation of the two groups.
  • A majority of 55+ year olds who are considering moving home are motivated to live somewhere better designed for their needs. Around two in five are motivated to live somewhere cheaper or smaller than their current home.
  • When it comes to the barriers to moving, around half agree that the process of moving seems too difficult, and a similar proportion agree that they are put off moving home by the costs associated.  Around one in ten 55+ year olds say they have care needs and a similar proportion have care responsibilities that are not met by the housing options available.

Date Published: 15 July 2019

Categories: GB | Infrastructure | Public and communities | Social

Client: RIBA


ComRes interviewed 1,267 55+ year olds between 7th and 20th December. Data were weighted to be demographically representative of all 55+ year olds by age and gender.  ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.


  1. RIBA_Age-friendly-housing_tables_160119 -0 KB.

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