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Open Europe EU renegotiation survey

Survey of the British public on behalf of Open Europe on David Cameron’s renegotiation of the terms of EU membership in the run-up to the referendum on whether to remain in or leave the EU

  • “Remain” has a 21 point lead over “Leave” on the EU referendum question: 56% of Britons say they would vote Remain compared to 35% who say they would vote Leave. This is little changed since September 2015.
  • The three issues held to be most important by the British public are: providing measures to ensure the UK will not be disadvantaged by decisions taken by the Eurozone states (i.e. countries that use the Euro) (76%); strengthening the European single market (76%); ensuring that new migrants coming to the UK from EU countries cannot receive in-work benefits, such as child benefits or tax credits, for four years (74%).
  • If David Cameron was successful in securing agreement on all demands up for negotiation, two thirds of British adults (65%) say they would vote to remain in the EU while one quarter (26%) say they would vote to leave.
  • If David Cameron did not secure agreement on any of the demands listed, the proportion of Britons saying they would vote to leave the EU increases from initial voting intention figures.

Date Published: 16/12/2015

Categories: Elections | EU Referendum | GB | Politics | Public and communities

Client: Open Europe


ComRes interviewed 1,001 British adults via telephone between 11th and 13th December 2015. Data were weighted by age, gender, region and socio-economic grade to be representative of all GB adults.

  1. Open-Europe_EU-renegotiation-poll_Dec15_tables -0 KB.

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