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NATS: Future Airspace Tracker

Survey of GB adults about plans to modernize the UK airspace infrastructure

  • Environmentally conscious attitudes towards flying are much more common amongst millennials than older generations
  • Over half of British adults aged 18-34 say they always consider the environmental impact of the flights they take, and would be willing to pay a charge or levy when booking a flight to help protect the environment
  • A similar proportion also agree that people should be discouraged from flying
  • Young adults (18-34) are the most likely age group to say that aviation–related benefits are very important to them personally
  • 41% of young adults say having a wide range of fresh produce such as avocados available all year round is very important to them personally
  • Eight in ten British adults know nothing about plans to modernise the UK’s airspace infrastructure
  • Awareness among young adults and frequent flyers is the highest

Date Published: 08/03/2019

Categories: Consumer | GB | Infrastructure | Public and communities | Transport

Client: NATS


ComRes interviewed 2,107 British adults online between 13th December 2017 and 9th January 2018. The sample was boosted for British adults living within 20 miles of a London airport / Manchester Airport / Birmingham Airport / Bristol Airport. Data of 2,107 British adults was weighted to be representative of all GB adults by age, gender, region and social grade. Data of those living within 20 miles of the above airports was not weighted. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. COMUK19034-Airports-Main-20190124-07_with-cover -0 KB.

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