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MHP Communications NHS Leaders Poll June 2019

Survey of NHS Leaders in England on their views around the NHS Long-Term Plan.

  • The majority of NHS Leaders say the implementation of the NHS Long-Term Plan and its focus on Integrated Care Systems (ICS) will result in significant progress towards achieving the health priorities of their local area (66% say this).
  • The main barrier to its success is viewed to be institutional challenges within the NHS such as financial pressures and staff shortages (33% say this), as opposed to laws such as the Health and Social Care Act (only 10% say this).
  • Investing in and training the healthcare workforce is seen as the most urgent priority overall for their organisation (62% rank in top 3) followed by increasing integration with other NHS organisations, local councils or other organisations (60% rank in top 3).

Date Published: 18/0/2019

Categories: GB | Health | Professionals

Client: MHP Communications


ComRes interviewed 250 NHS Leaders online between 22 January and 18 February 2019. Data were weighted to be demographically representative of original sample file of healthcare leaders and consultants invited to participate, by region. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. MHP_ComRes_NHS-Leaders-Survey_Feb2019-v2 -0 KB.

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