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ComRes interviewed 2,029 GB adults online between 6th and 8th December 2013 about the greatest acheivements of Nelson Mandela.

Date Published: 11 Dec 2013

Categories: International | Politics | Public and communities | Social


Ending apartheid in South Africa was Nelson Mandela's greatest achievement according to a new poll.

A ComRes survey carried out for ITV News found that nearly a third of those questioned believed ending the regime topped his other achievements:

  • Ending Apartheid - 31%
  • Inspiring ordinary people that they can change the world - 19%
  • Unifying South Africa - 15%
  • Setting an example for how other world leaders should behave - 14%
  • Being a figurehead for Africa across the globe - 8%
  • Demonstrating the possibilities of peaceful protest - 6%
  • Don’t know - 7%

ComRes interviewed 2,029 GB adults online between 6th and 8th December 2013. Data were weighted to representative of all GB adults age 18+. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

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