The latest ITV News Index published on 6th December 2011.
Date Published: 06 Dec 2011
Categories: Business | Consumer | Public and communities | Retail & Consumer | UK
The latest Index poll results, conducted by ComRes and to be broadcast on ITV News at Ten tonight, reveal that seven in ten of the British public (70%) expect Christmas ‘will be tougher financially this year than last’. Fewer than a quarter, 23%, disagreed. Those in the lowest income bracket (social groups DE) are gloomiest (75%), while men are decidedly more upbeat than women by 65% to 75%.
When asked whether people expect to spend more, less or the same as last Christmas, the same proportion as in 2010 – 12% - said they would be spending more, a similar proportion said they would be spending the same (47% this year compared to 48% last year), while marginally more people were found this year to be gloomier compared to last (39% expect to spend less compared to 36% last year).
There is evidence that those in middle age are reining in spending the most this year, 46% of people aged 45-54 spending less compared with just 31% of 18-24 year-olds. However, it is those on the lowest incomes who have been hit hardest by the economic uncertainties: 44% of DEs plan to spend less this year compared to 32% of people in the highest income groups AB. The gloomiest region of Britain is Wales, where just 8% say they plan to spend more compared to 42% who will be spending less, while the most generous region is East Midlands where 18% plan to spend more.
Methodology: ComRes interviewed 2031 GB adults online between 2nd and 4th December 2011. Data were weighted to be demographically representative of all GB adults. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.