Media | Politics | Public and communities | UK
A poll of UK adults on their attitudes towards the government’s proposals towards Hong Kongers and wider attitudes towards the UK’s relationship with China.
- Significant support among the public for the government’s proposal to offer Hong Kongers that hold British National Overseas (BNO) Passports and their dependents a bespoke five-year visa, with the pathway to later apply for full UK citizenship.
- Over two in five Brits (42%) express support for the government having made this offer, with just one in four (25%) expressing any opposition. Support for this offer is higher among those Brits who say they are familiar with recent events in Hong Kong, with half (50%) expressing outright support.
- When Brits are faced with a range of hypothetical resettlement schemes, the government’s offer received only slightly higher levels of support than offering BNOs and their dependents full UK citizenship, circumventing the 5 years of residency qualification.
Date Published: 07/07/2020
Categories: Media | Politics | Public and communities | UK
Savanta ComRes interviewed 2,062 UK adults aged 18+ online between 3 and 5 July 2020. Data were weighted to be representative of population by age, gender, region, and socio-economic characteristics such as cars per household. Savanta ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.
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