Survey of 150 MPs on behalf of Heathrow on their views towards airport expansion, major infrastructure projects in the UK, and the potential benefits of each
The latest ComRes MPs poll on behalf of Heathrow shows the proportion of MPs who say they support the expansion of the airport, and rank the airport first as the infrastructure project most likely to benefit the UK economy long-term, of the options listed.
- Two thirds of MPs say they support a third runway at Heathrow (67%)
- MPs are most likely to rank Heathrow first as the project that will bring the most long-term benefit to the UK economy (46%).
Date Published: 13/09/2016
Categories: Economy | Infrastructure | Policy Makers | Transport | UK
Client: Heathrow
ComRes interviewed 150 MPs online and by self-completion paper questionnaire between 10th June and 8th August 2016. Data were weighted to be representative of the House of Commons by party and region. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.