Health | Public and communities | Social
Survey of 1,000 English adults with mental health problems and 1,000 English adults without mental health problems
- A third of English adults with mental health problems (33%) say that debt and money advice would be helpful when they are experiencing mental health problems – closely followed by welfare benefits advice (31%) and relationship advice (26%)
- Four in five English adults with mental health problems (81%) say that they find managing their relationships with friends or family more difficult when experiencing a period of poor mental health, while two thirds (66%) say the same of managing work
- Adults suffering from mental health problems are much more likely than those who don’t suffer from such problems to report having experienced practical issues, including with their physical health (61% vs 27%), friends or family (52% vs 18%), and money or debt (51% vs 19%)
- 46% of English adults with mental health problems have ever accessed Citizens Advice services
Date Published: 18/10/2017
Categories: Health | Public and communities | Social
Client: Citizens Advice
ComRes interviewed 1,000 English adults aged 18+ with mental health problems and 1,000 English adults without a mental health problem online between 2nd and 13th February 2017. Data were weighted to be representative of all English adults by gender, age and region.
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