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BHF Teenage Smoking Poll

 ComRes interviewed 2,000 young people aged 13 – 18 online between 20 August and 3 September 2013 – data were weighted to be representative of 13 – 18 year olds in the UK by gender, age and region.

Date Published: 06 Oct 2013

Categories: Business | Consumer | Health | International | Public and communities


 UK cigarette health warnings ‘not up to the job’

- More Australian teens put off smoking by cigarette packs than their UK counterparts -


Only a third (36%) of UK teenagers are put off smoking by the way that cigarette packs look, compared to half (48%) of teenagers in Australia, where packs are almost entirely covered by graphic warnings, according to a unique cross-hemisphere survey.


The British Heart Foundation’s poll1 of 2,500 13- to 18-year-olds in the UK and Australia, the first country in the world to adopt standardised cigarette packs last year, revealed nearly 8 in 10 (77%) British teenagers think the UK should introduce standardised cigarette packs.


The survey also paints a picture of support for standardised packs from Australia’s youth with nearly 6 in 10 (59%) saying the packs make people their age less likely to smoke. Two thirds (66%) of Australian teens think the packs should be introduced elsewhere in the world. And only 1 in 20 (5%) make the incorrect assumption that certain cigarette brands are healthier than others - half the number of UK teens (10%).

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