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Global Banking Group

Understanding brand positioning

The wealth management (WM) arm of a major global banking group needed to understand its brand position among HNWIs across key markets.

Specifically, it needed to assess its performance on key performance indicators (KPIs).

The Challenge

These KPIs included brand awareness, consideration, and brand image. Our client wished to compare these KPIs with those of its main WM competitors and the master brand.

As a secondary objective, we needed to measure awareness and brand fit of the most recent PR and ad campaigns.

Essentially, we looked to set up a global programme of brand tracking research, and provide the business with a regular update on brand KPIs and reliable information for PR communication in each market.

Geography was particularly challenging, as the programme included markets with small populations of HNWIs and limited research possibilities (including Belgium and Luxembourg).

Our approach

We conducted n=800 interviews across 7 markets (FR, BE, LU, IT, CH, HK and SG), with an approach that addressed all the main challenges:

– Base sizes to reflect the actual size of the market and the maturity of the brand there

– Stratification of wealth across interviews

– Dual data collection methodology (online and telephone) to tackle issues of access to and engagement of HNWIs in each country

– A global approach that allowed for local nuances whilst ensuring comparability between markets

– Replicability over time, with the flexibility to add new markets

– Inclusion of KPIs that measure short- and long-term effectiveness on the brand

– A brand prioritisation framework, to ensure coverage of key competitors within a short, 12-15 min interview.

The outcome

We provided the client with a solid benchmark of their brand performance – globally and for each market.

A consistent analysis framework ensuring like-for-like comparisons, complemented by several face-to-face debriefs with different stakeholders, made the various levels of reporting more digestible.

The client was able to understand where their brand sits vis a vis competitors and the master brand. Consequently, they were able to identify which markets to prioritise, as well as which of the brand’s benefits to communicate, and where.

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Agencies & Consultancies | Brand Development & Strategy | Financial Services | HNWI

Royal London
