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Healthy Eating in 2021 – Bring back the feel-good factor

Will Blackett EVP, Consumer 20/05/2021

Savanta’s Grocery Eye looks at eating habits across generations from the young and not so young…

We’ve seen years of the health trend increasing, but this illustrates a possible tipping point in attitudes, as a healthy diet starts to become re-defined

Our quarter 1 findings from Savanta’s Grocery Eye programme, conducted among 2,218 consumers identify sentiments, behaviours and perceptions towards purchasing and consuming food and drink.

With more of us feeling our diet is less healthy, it appears lockdown has rightly prioritised our more holistic wellbeing. It’s now about ‘feeling good’ rather than eating even more healthily.

Download our infographic which looks at how healthy we’re feeling, as well as how our diets, attitudes to sugar, salt, and fat intake have all changed since lockdown.

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Concept testing | Consumer Brands | FMCG | Grocery Eye | Health & Wellbeing | Ideation & concept development | Pricing strategy | Product & service development | Product testing | Range optimisation

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