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Getting the real story: finding insights beyond survey metrics

Amit Sahni Director 09/04/2021

See how Savanta's deep dive into one company's struggling advertising campaign, allowed them to understanding their pitfalls with audience reach and proper content design and exposure.

Our research on communication apps among the B2B audiences shows that Zoom leads the communication apps' current usage, followed by MS teams, and Google Hangouts.

Digital Ad Performance, or DAP, is an approach that Savanta has adapted within our services to help clients understand their audiences and what media your audience actually likes.

The findings from these DAP tests can help optimize creative concepts that a brand wants to use, acting as a pre-test before they launch media campaigns. The test can also be used to determine how to best optimize your digital spending on various platforms.

After completing this service, we then analyze the data. We don’t choose to just look at traditional KPIs, but instead marry that with behavioral data found while exposing the respondents to the ad in a simulated, online environment.

Case Study: Slack

Savanta decided to do a deep dive on one company in particular. Web conferencing apps saw a phenomenal rise in usage during the pandemic, Zoom being the key driver behind the growth of communication apps.

We looked at our B2B Covid Tracker data that tracks B2B audience COVID behaviors and found that internal communications were the least impacted category during the pandemic. Our research on communication apps among the B2B audiences shows that Zoom leads the communication apps’ current usage, followed by MS teams, and Google Hangouts. We specifically picked up Slack, for testing as it was on the lower end of the spectrum for communication apps but gaining traction.

Objectives: In this study, we wanted to understand the effectiveness of measuring the test ad among a B2B audience in the Facebook environment, as well as understand its overall effectiveness for people seeing the ad.

Target audience: We wanted our target group to be full-time employees, working in white-collar jobs, and was regularly using conferencing apps in their day-to-day work lives. They were also regular Facebook users, as Savanta used Facebook for this case study test.

Our Findings:

  • Though the ad was visible on the Facebook page for most who were exposed to the ad on the Facebook platform, the engagement level was very low.
  • The active engagement with the ad was relatively better among the 21-35-year-old B2B audience.
  • Out of a 15 second ad slot, on average the B2B audience viewed the advertisement for a third of its duration.
  • Only one in six respondents viewed the ad in full, indicating that the ad did not perform well in engaging with the B2B audience.
  • We also examined the viewer retention by age groups and found that the dip in viewer retention was steeper among the above 36-year-old audience segment than the 21-25-year-old group.

What we know now:

1, You must measure the ad on the platform that is intended to be used.   

Measuring Facebook’s ad using only traditional survey exposure provides less actionable and accurate brand metrics. It is always better to measure the advertisement on the intended platform to reflect real-world exposure. Our digital ad performance measurement can help the brands to measure the ad on the intended platform. Be it any social media channel like Instagram or TikTok, an online newspaper, or a shopping site like Amazon.

2. Audiences have a very limited attention span, so make every second count:

In the pilot study we found that the engagement levels tend to drop after the initial three seconds and the average duration of ad viewership was just a third of the overall video, it makes sense to optimize video exposure length

As a brand marketer, you only have 3 seconds of customer attention. If you don’t nail it in the 3 seconds, you miss a good proportion of the population. So it’s really important to put your most important message, including branding, within the first 3 seconds.

3. Know particular groups within your target audience and how to best reach each of them:

The engagement level of the ad was low among the 36-year-old B2B audience. There is an opportunity to create targeted ads by age group or other demos if you see your ad isn’t performing as well in particular groups. Use a more targeted approach through dissecting the digital engagement data by firmographics or other demographics.

4. Know your brand and showcase it.

The branded recall was low for Slack. Find creative ways to include branding throughout the exposure while maintaining audience attention.



If you would like to know more, access additional data analysis or would like to ask your own questions, click here.



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