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Falling in love with streaming

Shaun Austin Head of Media 19/07/2022

The UK's Most Loved Brands 2022

We recently launched our Most Loved Brands 2022 report, providing insight into which brands UK adults have the closest emotional connection with.

Drawing on findings from the report, we take a closer look at which streaming brands made into The Top 100 League Table and what they did to consolidate their rankings.

It’s clear that we’ve fallen in love with streaming - and aren’t ready for the relationship to end yet.

Netflix is the highest ranked media and streaming brand in our Top 100 Most Loved Brands League Table this year. However, at a seemingly impressive No. 2 overall, its reign as the UK’s Most Loved Brand is over – for now.

Relinquishing the crown to Cadbury coincides with Netflix experiencing its first net subscriber loss in a decade earlier this year. With the lockdown era ending, are we streaming less?

Or, as the cost-of-living crisis continues, are consumers cutting back? Is this the first tentative sign of a streaming bubble about to burst?

No, according to our Top 10, Netflix’s main challenger, Amazon Prime Video, is one of the biggest success stories of 2022, rising 44 places from last year to No.5 overall. It has gained significant ground in the streaming battle for hearts and minds. Arguably, the brand has leveraged its broad media library, at a time when Netflix is renewing or producing original content at a reduced rate.

The highest climber of any brand from last year’s Top 100 list is Disney+. Up to 15th, advancing an astounding 59 places, it’s a meteoric rise for a SVOD platform under three years old. In that time, it has amassed 130m subscribers, something Netflix needed over a decade to do.

How? Similar to Amazon Prime Video, Disney+ has a large back catalogue of hit films and shows, to help keep customer churn low. It’s not just content for kids either – last year, the more generalist Star brand joined the platform. Perhaps most significantly, during the pandemic Disney+ boosted its subscriber base by hosting several high- profile film premieres while cinemas were closed.

Looking back to the Top 10, YouTube has consolidated its position by remaining 8th overall for Brand Love. Affection for YouTube is driven in part by 16-24s, whose own Top 10 brands boast a mix of user-generated and licensed content streamers including Netflix, YouTube, TikTok and Spotify. It’s a demographic more likely to consume content on devices, not TVs, and watch their favourite films or shows on demand, not live.

BrandVue continues to show the shift in media consumption habits we highlighted in last year’s report. In fact, Netflix remains the Most Loved Brand among 16-49s.

It’s clear that we’ve fallen in love with streaming – and aren’t ready for the relationship to end yet.

The UK’s Most Loved Brands 2022

Download the full report here to discover the UK’s Top 100 Most Loved Brands, and what their success can teach us about Brand Love.

Across demographics, the report shows the key trends behind brands’ ever-evolving relationships with their customers. Tracking engagement via our BrandVue platform, we see that no matter if love is loyal or short-lived, it cannot be taken for granted. The following pages show the success stories – and lessons to be learnt – for the UK’s Top 100 Most Loved Brands 2022.

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