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Americans Love Affair with Sports

Sadia Corey VP, Client Development 09/06/2021

For the past fourteen months, brands weren’t able to commit to sports sponsorships as marketing budgets were slashed due to Covid. However, sports are coming back, and so are the enormous budgets brands spend to sponsor anything and everything related to sports.

Savanta data indicates that Americans are noticing brand sponsorships in every area of sports

The global sports sponsorship market is valued at over $60 billion per year, with brands shelling out staggering amounts of money in the hopes of selling Americans anything from flood insurance to chicken wings.

New Savanta data supports the theory that all brands should strongly consider advertising in relation to sports as 76% of Americans notice sponsored brands while watching sports both in-person and on TV, and 65% of these Americans purchase a brand after seeing it sponsored at a sporting event.

What are Americans noticing?

Savanta data indicates that Americans are noticing brand sponsorships in every area of sports. 28% of Americans notice uniform/apparel/shoe sponsorships, followed by 21% noticing broadcast sponsorships. The next most popular areas that Americans notice sponsorships are athlete sponsorships (13%), venue/stadium sponsorships (13%), team sponsorships (12%), and event sponsorships (6%).

As brands consider sports sponsorship, it’s essential to look beyond the packed soccer and basketball arenas, high-profile golfers, and mega-events like the Super Bowl and Olympics. Less mainstream sports like surfing, skateboarding, and snowboarding all have huge sponsorship potential, with viewers who are twice as likely to use social media. This means great exposure for brands online without the giant price tags often associated with more popular American sports.

Americans have a love affair with sports, and they are especially enamored as we move into a post-Covid world. Now is a great time to launch sports marketing campaigns to capture the hearts and minds of sports fans in an effort to increase sales.

How to ensure Sports Sponsorship works for your brand? 

Sports sponsorship presents massive opportunities for brands. Getting it right in the eyes of fans or participants is crucial in an increasingly digital age.

Download our free guide to sports sponsorship to ensure it works for your brand

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