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The Telegraph – Voting Intention and Brexit Poll – March 2019

A survey of GB adults and their views on Brexit.

Base: All respondents likely to vote and expressing a voting intention (n=1,764)

Con 34% -2
Lab 35% +1
LD 8%
TIG 7% -1
SNP 3%
Green 3%
Other 4% +2

(nb adds up to 99% due to rounding)

(% in brackets relate to ComRes/Brexit Express poll on 6th March 2019)


  • Approaching half of British adults agree that if the UK left the EU without a deal on 29 March it would briefly cause some uncertainty but then ultimately work out ok (46%); four in five 2016 Leavers agree (78%), as do one quarter of Remainers (23%).
  • Approaching nine in ten 2016 Leave voters agree that it has felt as if the EU has been trying to punish the UK over the Brexit negotiations (85%), as do nearly half of Remain voters (46%).
  • British adults are split over whether Theresa May is right to try a third time to get the EU Withdrawal Agreement through Parliament (38% agree vs 39% disagree).
  • Only one in ten British adults say they trust MPs to do the right thing by the country over Brexit (11%), while seven in ten disagree (68%).
  • Overall, Theresa May is the most favourable politician with over one quarter of voters saying so (27%).
  • Overall, Jeremy Corbyn is the most unfavourable politician with most adults saying so (56%).
  • One in four 2016 Remain voters agree that it would have caused fewer problems had the UK left the EU without a deal as quickly as possible in 2016, rather than spending the past two and a half years trying to negotiate a deal (23%), compared to approaching four in five Leave voters (77%).

Date Published: 19/03/2019

Categories: GB | Politics | Public and communities

Client: The Telegraph


ComRes interviewed 2,033 GB adults online between 15th and 17th March 2019. Data were weighted to be demographically representative of all GB adults by age, gender, region and social grade. Voting intention questions were also weighted by past vote recall and likelihood to vote and all other questions also weighted by 2016 EU Referendum results. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. The-Telegraph-Brexit-poll_March-2019_updated -0 KB.

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