Voting intention and political attitudes conducted for Sunday Mirror and Independent on Sunday published 15 May 2011
Date Published: 14 May 2011
Categories: Energy | Media | Politics | Public and communities | Technology & Telecoms | UK
David Cameron has emerged from last week’s elections and referendum in a strong position, cutting Labour’s lead to one point in our ComRes poll for The Sunday Mirror and Independent on Sunday tomorrow.
Voting intention
Con 38% (+3)
Lab 39% (nc)
LD 11% (+1)
Others 12% (-4)
(Change since our poll last month, also carried out online rather than the telephone polls that ComRes runs concurrently for the daily Independent.)
On present boundaries, this would produce a Labour majority of eight. The Lib Dems have hung on to only 45% of their 2010 voters; 36% of Lib Dem 2010 voters have switched to Labour and 8% to the Conservatives.
Nick Clegg’s rating has fallen further.
Nick Clegg is turning out to be a good leader of the Liberal Democrats.
_______________ Dec Jan Apr Now
Agree: 26% 28% 24% 21%
Disagree: 49% 49% 55% 56%
But Ed Miliband’s is only one point higher.
Ed Miliband is turning out to be a good leader of the Labour Party.
_______________ Dec Jan Apr Now
Agree: 17% 22% 24% 22%
Disagree: 32% 35% 38% 39%
Of Labour voters, 34% say Don’t know.
Only the Prime Minister’s rating has moved in a favourable direction.
David Cameron is turning out to be a good Prime Minister.
______________ Dec Jan Apr Now
Agree: 38% 38% 37% 39%
Disagree: 41% 43% 46% 43%
However, people do not like the planned NHS changes, they give Clegg credit for forcing the Government to pause and they prefer a coalition to the Tories ruling alone.
The Government must rethink its plans to hand over most spending decisions in the NHS to GPs/family doctors.
Agree: 62% Disagree: 15%
Nick Clegg deserves some credit for making the Conservatives think again about their NHS changes.
Agree: 49% Disagree: 26%
The coalition between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats has probably worked out better than the Conservatives trying to go it alone.
Agree: 40% (+2 points) Disagree: 34% (-3 since last month)
And the Big Society continues to be a communications disaster.
I have heard of the Big Society but don’t know what it means.
Agree: 40% (+10) Disagree: 45% (-14 since February)
We also asked if people agreed or disagreed with the following statements:
In most cases I have sympathy for people going on strike against public spending cuts.
Agree: 48% Disagree: 37%
A big party split here: 71% of Labour voters agree, compared with 41% of Lib Dem voters and 24% of Conservatives.
The use of so-called super-injunctions against the press shows that there is one law for the rich and one for the rest.
Agree: 79% Disagree: 8%
Scotland should be an independent country.
Scotland: Agree 38% Disagree 46% (69% of SNP voters agree)
England & Wales: Agree 32% Disagree 42%
It would be appropriate for Baroness Thatcher to receive a state funeral after her death.
Agree: 30% Disagree: 45%
Now that Osama bin Laden has been killed, there is no need for British troops in Afghanistan.
Agree: 32% Disagree: 45%
ComRes interviewed 2,004 GB adults online on 11 and 12 May 2011. Data were weighted to be representative of all adults and by past vote recall. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules