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Solicitors Regulation Authority regulatory independence survey

Survey of the English and Welsh public on perceptions of moving towards regulatory independence of the Solicitors Regulation Authority

  • More than four in five English and Welsh adults (86%) say that solicitors should be regulated. This is the highest proportion of all professions tested, and similar to doctors (85%), dentists (82%) and accountants (81%).
  • The majority of adults in England and Wales (68%) report being more likely to trust a profession that is independently regulated, while just one in ten (10%) say the same of a profession that regulates itself.
  • There is widespread support for the idea of solicitors being regulated independently (82%), compared to just 6% of adults in England and Wales who say that solicitors should be self-regulated.
  • More than three quarters of adults in England and Wales (77%) agree that they support Government attempts to make the regulator of solicitors fully independent.

Date Published: 04/02/2016

Categories: GB | Public and communities | Social

Client: Solicitors Regulation Authority


ComRes  interviewed  1,810  English  and Welsh  adults  online  between  15th  and 17th  January 2016.  Data  were  weighted to  be  representative  of  all  English  and Welsh adults aged 18+.

  1. SRA_Independence-Polling_18th-Jan-2016 -0 KB.

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