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R3 – Personal Debt Snapshot, Wave 23

A survey of  2,004 British Adults on behalf of R3 on the state of their personal finances.

  • Since August 2017, there has been a decline in the proportion of British adults saying they are at least fairly worried about their current level of debt, moving from 41% to 34% in this wave.
  • However, credit card debt still remains the leading cause of debt worries, particularly amongst older age groups.
  • One in five (20%) British adults contributed to their pension in the last month, however a similar proportion (19%) say they have no savings.
  • A third (34%) of British adults say that they struggle at least sometimes to make it to payday, the lowest level seen since June 2013.
  • The cost of food remains the most common reason for British adults struggling to meet it to payday, followed by household energy costs, and fuel or transport costs.
  • Younger British adults are less likely to own a credit card than their older counterparts, but are more likely to have outstanding balances on credit cards they do own.

Date Published: 10/07/2018

Categories: Economy | Personal Finance | Public and communities | UK

Client: R3


ComRes interviewed 2,004 British adults online between 18th and 19th of April 2018. Data were weighted by age, gender, region and socio-economic grade to be representative of all British adults. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. R3_Personal-Debt-Snapshot_Wave-23_Updated-tables-230518 -0 KB.

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