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The Conservation Volunteers Healthy, Happy Communities Survey

Survey of British adults on behalf of The Conservation Volunteers about their health and how they feel about their local communities

  • Overall, more than half of Britons agree that they live in a healthy, happy community (56%), while one in three disagree (34%)
  • Nine out of ten British adults agree that they can easily get to a green space such as a park near to their home (89%), with more than half (53%) strongly agreeing with this statement
  • Four out five Britons report that they have a good relationship with their neighbours and others in their local community (80%).
  • In spite of widespread positive relationships with their neighbours, British adults are much less likely to report positively that their local community puts on events or takes an active role in managing their outdoor spaces.
  • Overall, adults living in England express a greater degree of satisfaction with life in their local community than those residing in Wales and Scotland.

Date Published: 14/10/2015

Categories: GB | Health | Public and communities

Client: The Conservation Volunteers


ComRes interviewed 2,019 GB adults online between 5th and 6th August 2015. Data were weighted to be representative of all GB adults aged 18+.

  1. The-Conservation-Volunteers_Healthy-Happy-Communities_Data-Tables_August-2015 -0 KB.

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