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Network Rail International Women in Engineering Day Survey

Survey of 16-21 year-olds on behalf of Network Rail on STEM and careers in the rail industry

  • Two thirds (64%) of respondents agree that ‘There are not enough female role models in the field of STEM’. This figure rises to nearly four in five (77%) among female u21s.
  • Nearly nine in ten (87%) respondents recognise the name and/or face of Stephen Hawking, surpassing Charles Darwin (84%) and Isaac Newton (83%).
  • Of the female STEM pioneers we tested, Marie Curie has the highest recognition among those surveyed, at nearly two thirds (65%). Recognition is higher among female respondents than for male, at over seven in ten (72%) compared to 58%.
  • The six least recognised famous names / faces in STEM are all women.

Date Published: 23/06/2020

Categories: GB | Public and communities | Social

Client: Network Rail


Savanta ComRes interviewed 2071 sixteen to twenty- one-year olds in Great Britain, from the 25th February to 2nd March 2020. Data were weighted to be demographically representative of Great Britain by age, gender, and sub-region.

  1. Network-Rail-IWD-Tables_Excel-04 -0 KB.

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