Education | Policy Makers | Politics | Social | UK
A survey of MPs on their opinion on whether there is a funding crisis in schools
- Over half (54%) of MPs agree that there is a funding crisis in schools
- Just a third (33%) of MPs disagree that there is a funding crisis in schools
- There is a stronger sense of agreement than disagreement amongst MPs on this issue, with one third (35%) strongly agreeing, and only 7% strongly disagreeing
- Nearly all (96%) Labour MPs agree that there is a funding crisis in schools, compared to one in six (16%) Conservative MPs
- Nearly two thirds (63%) of Conservative MPs disagree that there is a school funding crisis, compared to just 1% of Labour MPs
Date Published: 29/11/2018
Categories: Education | Policy Makers | Politics | Social | UK
Client: National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT)
ComRes interviewed 151 MPs online or by self-completion paper survey between 4th and 31st October 2018. Data were weighted by party and region to be representative of the House of Commons. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.
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