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MHP Astra Zeneca Fluenz Research – August 2020

Survey of 500 teachers regarding flu vaccinations

  • Two fifths of teachers (40%) say they always receive the flu vaccination.
  • The most common reason for receiving it is to avoid passing the flu onto others (50%)
  • Teachers report the COVID-19 pandemic as having a significant impact on their efforts to facilitate the national childhood immunisation programme, particularly in relation to flu.
  • There is a high level of support for an extension of the national childhood immunisation programme for flu to cover all pupils under the age of 18 in the 2020-21 academic year

Date Published: 10/8/20

Categories: GB | Health | Professionals

Client: MHP | Astra Zeneca


Savanta ComRes interviewed 505 UK teachers online from the 7th – 10th July 2020

  1. Final-MHP_AZ-Teachers-Poll-Tables_July2020 -0 KB.

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