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Leave Means Leaves – Snap Brexit Poll – April 2019

Survey of GB adults and their views on Brexit.

  • Nearly six-in-ten (59%) agree that their faith in politics is at an all-time low because Theresa May failed to deliver Brexit on time. This includes four-in-five (80%) Leave voters and nearly half (45%) of Remain voters
  • A similar proportion (61%) agree that Parliament seems determined not to implement the will of the electorate on Brexit
  • Only a quarter (25%) of the public agree that the UK remaining in the customs union with the EU honours the result of the referendum, compared to 44% who disagree
  • Nearly three-in-five (57%) agree that the UK remaining in a customs union would mean that it has not really left the EU, compared to just one-in-five (19%) that disagree
  • Over four-in-ten (42%) say that MPs voting to the remain in the customs union with the EU betrays what those who voted leave in 2016 wanted, compared to just 17% who say that it honours

Date Published: 02/04/2019

Categories: GB | Politics | Public and communities

Client: Leave Means Leave


ComRes surveyed 1,008 GB adults online on April 1st 2019. Data were weighted to be demographically representative of all GB adults by age, gender, region and social grade as well as 2017 General Election and 2016 EU Referendum past vote recall. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. Leave-Means-Leave-April-Snap-Poll-Tables-Final-Published -0 KB.

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