GB | Politics | Public and communities
Survey of GB adults and their views on Brexit.
- Only around one in seven (14%) say the deal Theresa May has negotiated with the EU and is trying to pass through Parliament delivers the type of Brexit that those who voted to leave in 2016 wanted, compared to over half of British adults (54%) who say it does not deliver it.
- One third of British adults say Theresa May’s current Brexit deal betrays leave voter’s wishes (33%); approaching half of 2016 Leave voters say the same (45%) as do a third of Remain voters (32%), while only one in five 2016 Leave voters say May’s deal honour what they voted for (19%).
- Approaching three in five British adults agree that MPs are delaying the vote in order to thwart Brexit (56%), while only 16% disagree with this statement. In fact, four in five 2016 Leave voters agree with this statement (82%), as do two in five Remain voters (39%).
- Over four in ten British adults agree that the Government seems to be in favour of remaining in the EU and has set out to thwart Brexit from the beginning (44%). In fact, seven in ten 2016 Leave voters agree with this statement (70%), as do one quarter of Remain voters (23%).
Date Published: 19/03/2019
Categories: GB | Politics | Public and communities
Client: Leave Means Leave
ComRes surveyed 2,033 British adults online between 15th and 17th March 2019. Data were weighted to be demographically representative of all GB adults. Questions were also weighted by past vote recall and likelihood to vote and also weighted by 2016 EU Referendum results. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.
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