GB | Politics | Public and communities
A survey of GB adults on the Labour Party and anti-semitism.
- Just 17% of adults think the Labour Party ‘does not have a problem with antisemitism’, including around one in three Labour voters (32%).
- In contrast one in three adults (34%) agree, and fewer than one in four (23%) disagree, that ‘the Labour Party has a serious antisemitism problem’; this is a higher proportion than the 28% in 2017 who agreed that ‘the Labour Party has a particular problem with antisemitism’.
- Perceptions of antisemitism may also be a factor that puts voters for other parties off voting Labour, since almost four in ten 2017 Liberal Democrats (38%) believe the party has a serious problem with it.
- Half of all adults overall (48%), and almost one in three Labour voters (29%), agree that Jeremy Corbyn ‘is letting the Labour Party down by failing to tackle antisemitism within some parts of the Party.
- Overall fewer than one in five – just 18% – think Jeremy Corbyn appears to be handling the Party’s antisemitism problem ‘well’.
- One in three Labour voters (35%) agree that Jeremy Corbyn ‘appears to be handling the Labour Party’s antisemitism problem well’, but one in four disagree (24%).
- One in three adults (31%) agree that Labour MP and former Labour minister Margaret Hodge ‘was right to call Jeremy Corbyn anti-Semitic’; this figure rises to 59% among Conservative voters, but falls to 13% among Labour voters.
- Of those who express an opinion (ie excluding the 43% who don’t know), 55% think Margaret Hodge was right, and 45% think she was wrong.
- One in three adults (32%), including 31% of Labour voters, believe antisemitism ‘seems to be on the rise in the UK’, 25% disagree and 43% don’t know.
Date Published: 23/07/2018
Categories: GB | Politics | Public and communities
Client: Jewish News
Methodology: ComRes interviewed 2,036 GB adults aged 18+ online between 20th and 22th July 2018. Data were weighted to be demographically representative of all GB adults by age, gender, region and social grade. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.
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