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ITV News Index 14 December 2011

The latest ITV News Index published on 14 December 2011.

Date Published: 14 Dec 2011

Categories: Economy | Financial Services | Public and communities | UK


77% of British public fearful of current global economic situation

Following the Euro summit last week and Cameron’s decision to veto EU treaty changes, a poll conducted by ComRes on behalf of ITV1’s Tonight programme reveals that as Christmas approaches, fear around the future of the economy has well and truly set in. A large majority, 77%, are fearful of the current global economic situation with just one in ten (10%) who disagree.

Furthermore, 74% of the public are concerned that the global financial crisis will negatively affect their life for the next few years and two thirds (63%) do not expect their personal financial situation to improve in 2012. This last figure has increased significantly by ten percentage points since this time last year (53%).

An overwhelming majority of 83% agree that the Europe debt crisis is putting the UK economy in danger, while just 5% disagree and 12% are not sure. And nearly half of the public (44%) expect the Euro to collapse in 2012 – only 18% disagree.

More than two thirds of the population (68%) expect a second recession next year – a figure which has risen five percentage points up from 63% in August. This week, just 9% disagree that there will be a second recession in 2012.

Meanwhile, 65% of the British public thinks that the state of the UK economy will get worse next year, with just 8% who believe it will improve and 20% who think there will be no change.

Looking ahead to 2012, two thirds (67%) agree that their household or family budget next year will be tighter than it was in 2011 and 62% are worried that another recession would have a severe impact on them and their family.

Worryingly, one in four (25%) are concerned they will not be able to afford mortgage or rent payments next year and a similar number (24%) believe that their job security or their partner’s job security will worsen in 2012.

Finally and unsurprisingly, just 17% believe the UK economy will grow next year – this figure has dropped from 25% when the same question was asked in September.

Methodology: ComRes interviewed 2009 GB adults online between 9th and 11th December 2011.  Data were weighted to be demographically representative of all GB adults.  ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules. 

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