Energy | Media | Politics | Public and communities | UK
The latest Cuts Index poll on behalf of ITV News published on 11 July 2011.
Date Published: 10 Jul 2011
Categories: Energy | Media | Politics | Public and communities | UK
ComRes/ ITV News poll shows 82% of British public believe Rebekah Brooks should resign following NOTW phone hacking scandal
An exclusive ComRes poll for ITV News at Ten tonight will reveal astonishing results that show an overwhelming majority of the British public (82%) believe that News International Chief Executive Rebekah Brooks should resign following the closure of the News of the World paper amid phone hacking allegations. Additionally, half believe Prime Minister David Cameron has dealt with the scandal badly and two thirds feel that he showed poor judgement in hiring Andy Coulson. Three in four are now worried about wider corruption in the police force and more than half do not trust our party leaders to rid British politics or the police of corruption – revealing a sincere lack of public trust for British politicians.
While the majority think Rebekah Brooks should resign, just 4% of the public disagree and 14% are not sure.
When asked about David Cameron’s handling of the scandal, half (49%) believe that he has dealt with it badly while two thirds (68%) agree that he showed poor judgement hiring Andy Coulson, former Editor of The News of the World, as his Director of Communications.
Asked if the Coalition Government is good or bad for Britain, tracker results continue to show that half of the public (50%) believe it is a bad thing, a figure which has risen steadily since the poll began last October when the figure was 34%.
Additionally, the latest results show widespread distrust in our politicians when the police, employment and phone hacking are involved. When it comes to ensuring justice on the hacking scandal, half (50%) do not trust any of the party leaders. A quarter (27%) trust David Cameron, 16% trust Ed Miliband and only 7% trust Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg to ensure justice.
Similarly, more than half (55%) do not trust our party leaders to root out corruption in the police; employ people with strong moral values (55%) – a nod to Cameron hiring Andy Coulson – or to get rid of corruption in British politics (56%).
In the wake of the phone hacking scandal, a staggering four out of five (80%) do not trust the media, while just one in ten (10%) do and 10% don’t know. Alleged police involvement in the phone hacking scandal has lead to concern that there is wider corruption in the police force, with 77% who agree they are worried and a minimal 12% who disagree.
Three quarters of the public (72%) believe that the Coalition Government should reconsider the decision to allow the takeover of BSkyB by Rupert Murdoch and News Corporation, while just 8% disagree.
The findings of this poll will be broadcast on ITV News at Ten on Monday 11th July.
ComRes interviewed 2025 GB adults online between 8th and 10th July 2011. Data were weighted to be demographically representative of all GB adults. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.
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