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Independent on Sunday/Sunday Mirror Political Poll

Independent on Sunday / Sunday Mirror Political Poll

Date Published: 10 Dec 2011

Categories: Economy | Politics | Public and communities | UK


 Cameron's personal ratings slumped before Brussels summit; 

Confidence falls that Olympics will be good use of public money 
Con       36% (+1) 
Lab        40% (+1) 
LD          10% (-1) 
Others   14% (-1) 
Change since last IoS poll on the 20th November. 
Fieldwork on Wednesday and Thursday this week, before the Brussels summit 
Q: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? 
David Cameron is turning out to be a good prime minister 
                               Dec       Jan       Apr      May      June     July     August  September     October   December 
Agree:                     38%      38%      37%      39%     37%      33%      34%           33%               34%          27% 
Disagree:                 41%      43%      46%    43%      44%     45%       48%           46%               47%          52% 
Don’t know:             21%      19%      17%     18%     19%      22%      18%           21%               19%          20% 
Ed Miliband is turning out to be a good leader of the Opposition (Note: in previous waves this has been phrased as ‘leader of the Labour Party’) 
                                 Dec          Jan       Apr      May      June     July      August  September   October  December 
Agree:                       17%      22%      24%     22%     18%      27%         24%         20%                22%           20% 
Disagree:                   32%      35%      38%    39%      45%     41%         44%         44%                50%           52% 
Don’t know:               50%      43%      37%    39%      37%      32%         32%         36%               28%            28% 
Fewer than half of Labour voters (44%)  think Ed Miliband is turning out to be a good leader of the opposition, compared to just 13% of Lib Dem voters and 7% of Conservative voters. 
Nick Clegg is turning out to be a good Deputy Prime Minister (Note: in previous waves this has been phrased as ‘leader of the Liberal Democrats’) 
                                   Dec      Jan       Apr      May      June     July      August   September    October   December 
Agree:                      26%      28%      24%    21%     20%      22%         22%           20%              24%            18% 
Disagree:                 49%      49%      55%    56%      57%     53%         55%           53%              55%             61% 
Don’t know:             25%      23%      21%     24%     23%      25%         23%           27%              21%             21% 
David Cameron has shown strong leadership in his dealings with France and Germany during the Euro crisis 
Agree: 31% 
Disagree: 41% 
Don’t know: 28% 
·         Approximately two thirds of Conservative voters (64%) agree that David Cameron has shown strong leadership, compared to two in five Lib Dem voters (39%) and one in six Labour voters (16%). 
If EU leaders agree a new treaty to tackle the Euro crisis Britain should hold a referendum on it 
Agree: 58% 
Disagree: 15% 
Don’t know: 26% 
Two thirds of Conservative voters agree (68%), compared to half of Labour (50%) and Lib Dem voters (47%). 
There is a trend by age, with older people more likely than younger people to agree – 70% of people aged 65 and over agree, compared to 44% of people aged 18-24. 
The Euro crisis provides an ideal opportunity for Britain to leave the EU altogether 
Agree: 52% 
Disagree: 26% 
Don’t know: 22% 
Conservative voters (58%) are more likely than Labour (45%) or Lib Dem voters (48%) to agree. 
I expect that the 2012 Olympics will be worth the expense in the end 
Agree: 28% (July 2009: 54%) 
Disagree: 54% (42%) 
Don’t know: 17% 
ComRes interviewed 2,048 GB adults online on 7-8 November 2011.  Data were weighed demographically and by past vote recall  ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

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