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Independent on Sunday / Sunday Mirror November Political Poll

Voting intention public poll, including questions on leader favourability and military intervention.

Following a week where Jeremy Corbyn faced questions over his response to the terrorist attacks in Paris, there has been an increase in the number of Britons unfavourable towards the Labour leader. According to a ComRes opinion poll for the Sunday Mirror and Independent on Sunday, voters are now more than twice as likely to say they have an unfavourable view of Mr Corbyn as favourable, with an 8-point increase in his unfavourable rating since September. 
The public are twice as likely to say they trust David Cameron to keep them and their family safe (39 per cent) as they are to say they trust Mr Corbyn (17 per cent). Some three in five people – 58 per cent – disagree that they trust Mr Corbyn to keep them safe.
Labour support has fallen two points since last month, giving the Conservatives a 15-point lead in voting intention, 42 per cent to 27 per cent. 
·         Around half of the British public agree the UK should take part in air strikes against ISIS, even without UN approval (46%), but a third (32%) disagree.
·         Two thirds of Britons say that killing British citizens in Syria is justified if the security services say they have joined ISIS (65% agree v 15% disagree).
·         One in four Britons (25%) believe there are no circumstances under which British troops should be sent to fight a ground war against ISIS, although more than half (52%) disagree.
·         Following George Osborne’s speech at GCHQ earlier this week, and the pending introduction of the ‘Snooper’s Charter’, the majority of Britons agree they have to accept infringements of privacy on the internet for the sake of fighting terrorism (70% agree v 17% disagree).
·         The public are twice as likely to say they trust David Cameron to keep them and their family safe as Jeremy Corbyn (39% Cameron v 17% Corbyn).
·         Around three in five say they don’t trust Jeremy Corbyn to keep them and their family safe (58%).
·         Two in five British adults agree Labour MPs should mount a coup and remove Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the party (40%), unlike 31% who disagree.
·         However, most Labour voters disagree (56%) Labour MPs should remove Jeremy Corbyn as leader, and only 20% think that they should.
·         Britons are unlikely to say they would be prepared to pay more for energy bills in order to reduce climate change (23% agree with this statement v 57% disagree).
·         Britons are more than twice as likely to say they are unfavourable towards Jeremy Corbyn as favourable (22% favourable v 50% unfavourable). Mr Corbyn’s unfavourability ratings have increased from 42% in September to 50% now.
·         Similar numbers view David Cameron favourably as they do unfavourably (38% v 42%). The Prime Minister has a significantly higher net favourability score than the opposition leader (-4 v -28).
·         Boris Johnson remains Britain’s most popular with a net favourability score of +17, and his favourability score has increased by 5 points since September to 44%.
·         After Jeremy Corbyn, the Chancellor George Osborne, has the worst net favourability score of those tested (-19).
·         Of the foreign leaders, Barack Obama is viewed most favourably (59% favourable), and the President of the USA also has the greatest net favourability score of +44.
Voting intention
The Conservatives have increased their lead to 15 points over Labour: 42% to 27%.
Con      42% (NC)
Lab       27% (-2)
LD        7% (NC)       
UKIP     15% (+2)
Green   3% (NC)
SNP      5% (NC)
Other   1% (NC)

Date Published: 22nd November 2015

Categories: GB | Politics | Public and communities

Client: Independent on Sunday / Sunday Mirror


ComRes interviewed 2,067 GB adults online between 18th and 20th November 2015. Data were weighted to be demographically representative of all GB adults. Data were also weighted by past vote recall. Voting intention figures are calculated using the ComRes Voter Turnout Model. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

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