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GE2017 Question Time Special research

A recontact poll for the University of Leeds about those who watched the Question Time special during the General Election campaign of 2017.

  • 38 per cent of 18 to 34-year-old viewers were undecided before watching the programme – compared to just 17 per cent of over-55s – with the TV debate having a bigger impact on younger viewers’ votes.
  • 45 per cent of 18-34s said the programme helped them decide who to back, compared to just 26 per cent of over-55s.
  • First-time voters were “exceptionally impressed with Corbyn compared to May”. Corbyn outpolled May among 18 to 34-year-olds by 56-13 per cent on “clear speaking”, 50-15 per cent on providing ‘factual evidence’, 61-13 per cent on “understanding people like me”, 56-12 per cent on “engaging me in the debate” and 58-15 per cent on “offering a clear choice”.
  • More young people watched the whole QT Special than older age groups, while they also discussed it more: 93 per cent of 18 to 34-year-old viewers talked about it with friends or family.
  • 68 per cent of 18-34s said they now knew more about the policies, to 36 per cent of over-55s.

Date Published: 5th December 2017

Categories: GB | GE2017 | Media | Opinion Formers | Policy Makers | Politics | Public and communities

Client: University of Leeds


ComRes interviewed 2,500 GB adults online in two stages (pre-screening and post-screening) between 31st May and 8th June 2017. The sample was profiled to be demographically representative of all GB adults by age, gender, region and social grade. ComRes is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

  1. GE2017_QT-Special-recontact-poll -0 KB.

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