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Energy Efficiency Poll for ECIU

Poll of the British public on attitudes towards energy efficiency regulation for the ECIU

  • Around nine in ten (87%) British adults support regulations that make household appliance more energy efficient.
  • Three in five Britons say they would be happy to pay a bit extra for an energy efficient appliance or lightbulb.
  • Half of Britons (51%) say they have no idea how much energy their household appliances use, this is more so the case among women (54%) then men (47%).
  • However, two in five (39%) say that their appliances use too much energy, and two thirds (64%) believe too much energy is wasted on household appliances.
  • Two thirds of British adults (63%) believe that regulations to improve energy efficiency of their household appliances will bring down their energy bills, just 16% disagree.

Date Published: 19th February 2015

Categories: Consumer | Economy | Energy | Personal Finance | Public and communities | Retail & Consumer | Social | UK

Client: Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit


ComRes interviewed 2,003 GB adults online between 6th and 8th February 2015. Data were weighted to be representative of all GB adults aged 18+.

  1. ECIU_Household-Energy_Tables_Feb2015 -0 KB.

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